How Genetics Affect your Dental Health

DentalYour dental health heavily relies on your dental care routine.  Lifestyle and approach to dental hygiene play a large part in the condition of your dental health. Were you aware that your genetics also have an effect on your dental health? Genetics definitely play a part in your dental health and the appearance of your teeth.

The strength, size and alignment of your teeth are all influenced by your genetic makeup. Genetics not only play a part in determining your teeth but your gums as well. Most of us are aware through seeing a doctor that genetics and family history determine the possibility of physical and mental health problems one may experience in their life and can show risk factors of developing certain conditions and diseases.

This same concept applies to seeing a dentist for your dental health. Genetics can help determine several factors about your dental health and help you see where you may be at risk in some areas more than others.

Important roles your genetics play in the strength of your teeth and gums

Your genetics determine several things about your oral health. Genetics is the primary determinant of your enamel structure, and your enamel structure determines how likely you are to experience tooth decay. Enamel is the protective layer covering the visible part of your teeth. Enamel is the barrier that keeps invaders out and is considered the hardest substance in the human body, harder than bone.

This is a big deal because your genetics can determine just how soft or hard the enamel on your teeth is. The softer your tooth enamel the easier it is for bacteria to enter your teeth. This is very important because once enamel starts to break down, your teeth are more susceptible to damage, decay, loss, infections, and other complications.

Understanding genetics to take better care of your teeth

Genetics determine the alignment of your teeth so this will play a part in what and how much gets trapped between your teeth and gums. Genetics also determine how much mineral saliva you produce, which is what aids in helping your teeth stay strong, healthy, and fight off acid erosion. Acid erosion relates us back to the enamel, as this refers to acidic food and beverages (especially soda, fruit juice, and wine) demineralizing your teeth which then softens your tooth's surface.

The problem with acid erosion is that it leaves your teeth in a state where they can experience physical damage much easier and weakens your primary and natural defense. Your heredity influences your dental health when it comes to gum disease. However, you are still most susceptible to experiencing this issue as a result of poor oral hygiene over your genetic makeup.

Some studies show that you can be at an increased risk of gum disease if you have a specific gene or if your family has a history of weakened/poor immune responses. No matter what, lifestyle choices make a big difference.

Genetics influence, but you still have the power

Although genetics influence the structure of your teeth and gums, the choices you make are very important and have more power over your dental health. Your diet, how frequently you see your dentist, and your own personal dental care routine all play a large part in determining your overall dental health.

Regardless of your family medical history, having a healthy lifestyle, healthy habits and proper dental routine gives you the best odds of having the best dental health possible. Even if your family history consisted only of perfection, you will still run into dental health problems if you neglect to practice regular oral hygiene. Genetics play a part, but it does not define your dental health.

How can you really use this?

Request an appointment online in our Fort Lauderdale dental office here: Call us at (954) 271-8034 for more information from Smiles By Julia.

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