How a Family Dentist Can Help Ease Dental Anxiety

family dentist Fort Lauderdale, FL

If you have a dental phobia, you may only visit the family dentist when you have to. The good news is that there are options to help you ease your anxiety. About 9% to 20% of Americans fear going to the dentist. This is not simply nervousness. The good news is that there are options to ease your anxiety.

What is dental anxiety?

Feeling anxious at the dentist can seriously affect some patients. Many will feel panicky or terrified at the thought of going to the dentist. These people realize that the fear is irrational but cannot do anything about it. They will do anything possible to avoid seeing a family dentist.

Happy gas

Many patients choose to get nitrous oxide, also known as happy gas. The small amount used means that the patient will become sedated but not unconscious. The gas is mixed with air and pure oxygen. It can promote a feeling of relaxation or floating for a patient. The patient will receive this with a nasal inhaler.

The patient can adjust the system themselves if desired. The dentist can allow the patient to breathe in the gas for two to three minutes. The family dentist can then begin with the treatment. This is not a replacement for local anesthetic. However, many dentists use happy gas and local anesthetic together to minimize discomfort.

IV sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation uses a sedative or anti-anxiety drug in the blood system. This will bring on a feeling of deep relaxation. It will also prevent the patient from feeling uncomfortable about what the dentist is doing. IV sedation can cause either partial or complete memory loss while the patient is under the medication.

This will cause the time to seem to pass quickly. The patient will not recall what happened during the procedure. In fact, many patients do not remember anything about what happened. The patient may feel like they were asleep during the procedure.

Laser dentistry options

A dental drill can cause many patients to feel nervous. The good news is that drills do not always need to be used. The laser works by delivering a highly concentrated beam of light. The lasers can be used in oral surgery or normal dental procedures. The dentist can easily cut hard or soft tissue when filling cavities.

Periodontal treatment is easier when using drills. Often, patients find lasers more comfortable. The laser can also be used for root canal treatments. Teeth can be prepared for filings using laser dentistry. Even whitening treatments can work better when combined with lasers.

Visit a family dentist today

If you fear visiting the dentist, you are not alone. The good news is that your family dentist offers options for easing your nervousness. New advances in dentistry mean that procedures are less invasive than ever. You can also choose from a number of sedation options. Contacting a family dentist today will help you avoid future dental issues.

Request an appointment here: or call Smiles By Julia at (954) 271-8034 for an appointment in our Fort Lauderdale office.

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