Tips To Get Rid of Bad Breath from a Family Dentist

family dentist Fort Lauderdale, FL

Our family dentist has some tips that can help you to get past having bad breath. Formerly known as halitosis, bad breath can be caused by a variety of things like existing dental conditions, your diet or possibly a general health issue.

Our family dentist explains how to get rid of bad breath

Having bad breath can have serious consequences in your personal and professional life. No one wants to spend time huddled up with a person whose breath smells unpleasant. Here are some things you can do to get rid of bad breath: 

1. Keep teeth and gums clean

Many cases of halitosis are linked to poor oral hygiene. If a person does not brush and floss often, food particles can end up getting stuck between teeth for weeks at a time. This creates an awful odor as the food begins to rot.

Practicing good oral hygiene creates conditions that make it harder for a person to develop bad breath. Properly brushing two times a day, lowers the population of oral bacteria in the mouth and starves them of the food particles they convert into acids. Good oral hygiene also includes flossing once each day and using an antibacterial mouthwash to keep the mouth smelling fresh.

2. Eat foods that promote fresh breath

Vegetables and fiber-rich fruits can help to clean teeth and remove food particles that are left over after meals. Eating raw vegetables like carrots, apples and celery scrapes off plaque from teeth surfaces and it also hinders the buildup of bacteria in the mouth. It is best to avoid sugar-rich foods when trying to eliminate bad breath since oral bacteria thrive on sugar.

3. Use probiotics

Some of the bacteria that live in the body are good, while others are bad. Oral hygiene sometimes kills both bad and good bacteria. Replenishing good bacteria can help to fight bad breath. Foods like miso, kefir and yogurt are good sources of good bacteria. Try moving these foods around the mouth when consuming them so they coat as much of the teeth and gums as possible.

4. Drink lots of water

Having a dry mouth promotes bad breath so maintaining hydration is essential for oral health. People who take medication that dry out their mouths should talk to their doctor about other alternatives that do not have that effect. Breathing through the mouth can also lead to bad breath since it dries out the tongue and teeth. If you have a hard time breathing through your nose, try using a nasal decongestant to free up your airway.

Those who breathe out of their mouth simply out of habit can use oral appliances like chin straps to train themselves to not breathe with their mouth.

We can also help

If doing these things does not help to eliminate your bad breath, you probably have an issue that requires treatment. Call or visit our Fort Lauderdale clinic to set up an appointment with our dentist.

Here's how you reach us…

Request an appointment here: or call Smiles By Julia at (954) 271-8034 for an appointment in our Fort Lauderdale office.

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