Braces vs Going to an Invisalign Dentist

Invisalign DentistIf you are considering whether to get braces vs going to an Invisalign dentist, you are already on the road to getting straight teeth and a beautiful smile. During a consultation in our Fort Lauderdale Dentist office, we can examine your teeth and let you know what we feel will be the most effective treatment solution for moving your teeth and bite into alignment.  In the meantime, if you are comparing the pros and cons of each, here is what you need to know.

Effectiveness: Braces vs Invisalign®

If you are looking for a solution that is the most effective, braces and Invisalign® can both accomplish the goal of moving your teeth and bite into alignment.  As an Invisalign dentist, we will say that if your bite is severely misaligned, for example, a major overbite, traditional metal braces might be your best option and we will recommend a course of action that may include seeing an orthodontist.  This is because a variety of oral appliances and solutions like rubber bands can be used to move the jaw into alignment during the course of the treatment.  If you are simply looking to straighten your teeth, both solutions should work quite well.

Convenience: Braces vs Invisalign®

As an Invisalign Dentist, we know that wearing clear aligners is typically far more convenient than wearing traditional metal braces.  This is one area where Invisalign® really shines.  When your teeth are being straightened using aligners, they are designed to come out when you eat, drink and brush your teeth.  That means that you will not need to worry about anything getting stuck in between your teeth or the embarrassment that is associated with that.  Since the Invisalign® aligners come out, you can even remove them to go on a date, make a presentation at work, attend a wedding, etc.  This makes it possible to look like a better version of yourself while going through the process of straightening your teeth.  The only time where this would be inconvenient is if you had a job that would make it difficult to remove the aligners when eating, in which case, traditional braces may be a preferred option.

Treatment Time: Braces vs Invisalign®

When comparing treatment times, they should be relatively the same.  As an Invisalign dentist, we know that the average treatment time is 12 to 18 months and the average treatment time for adult braces is also 18 months.  With that in mind, you should select the solution that you are the most comfortable wearing.  During your examination and consultation, we will provide you with specifics regarding your personalized treatment plan and timeline.

Children's Orthodontist: Braces vs Invisalign®

If you are looking for a solution to straighten your child's teeth, they need to wear traditional metal braces.  We understand that a lot of our young patients would like to straighten their teeth using aligners but this is not a viable solution for them. While they might not qualify for cosmetic braces, they can have fun with their braces treatment by letting them select their favorite color of rubber bands every time that their wires are adjusted.

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