How to Tell That Dental Implants Are Right for You

Dental ImplantsAs a cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale, we can provide you with dental implants as a permanent replacement for tooth loss.  This is a modern alternative to dentures or dental bridges and while both of these options are still effective, they are not as durable as an implant or as natural looking.  An implant is the only solution that replaces both your tooth and root. The procedure itself requires oral surgery since it is implanted under your gums and secured to your jawbone. We use sedation to ensure that you are comfortable the entire time.  Additionally, it does take several months to complete the process.  However, there is no solution that is as durable or convenient in the long-run as implants.

Here are some signs that this could be the right procedure for you -

1)    You want your replacement teeth to look entirely natural.  To create your replacement tooth or teeth, we will first make an impression of your mouth and take measurements.  We will also use a shade card to determine the current shade of your teeth. This information is what the dental lab will use to create a new tooth that looks like your natural one did.  As a result, your implant will completely blend in with your other teeth so that you and everyone else, will be unable to tell which tooth was ever replaced.  This is a fantastic option that allows you to smile with confidence.

2)    You want a durable tooth replacement.  While you can replace your teeth with dentures, dental bridges, or dental implants – implants are the only tooth replacement that is as durable as a natural tooth would be. The implanting process involves placing a titanium post under the gums and securing it to the jawbone.  The metal and bone will fuse together through the process of osseointegration.  This means that the implant will act and behave like a natural tooth with the jaw providing stability to the tooth while the implant provides stimulation to the jawbone like a root would.  This symbiotic relationship is what makes dental implants so durable and reliable.

3)    You want a hassle-free smile.  If you want a tooth replacement that is entirely convenient, you cannot beat dental implants.  They behave like your natural teeth would and need to be cared for as such.  This makes them far more convenient than wearing dentures because dentures must be removed, cleaned, and soaked on a nightly basis.  Depending on the type of dentures, you might need to use a special solution or even paste. This can create a level of inconvenience that is entirely unnecessary when you replace teeth with implants instead.  All you need to do is brush and floss your teeth like you normally would and receive regular dental care.  If you do, your teeth, gums, and implants should remain in good condition for years to come.

To find out if implants are the right solution for you, call and schedule a consultation with our Fort Lauderdale dental office.  After examining your mouth and taking x-rays, we can discuss what the procedure involves, and the best way to proceed.

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