Three Reasons to Visit an Implant Dentist

implant dentistAs an implant dentist office in Fort Lauderdale, we replace missing teeth on a daily basis. We do so, with a variety of solutions, including dental bridges and dentures. While these two options have been used for years, and with positive results, both have distinct drawbacks. A dental bridge, for example, can only be placed if you have remaining natural teeth that are strong enough to support the bridge.

Dentures, on the other hand, can replace some or all of your teeth, but they are typically removable, which can lead to embarrassing situations if they come loose or fall out. As an alternative, dental implants provide the look and feel of a natural tooth while being incredibly durable.

Dental implants could be right for you if:

You want something that looks natural

Prior to creating the visible portion of the implant, we will make an impression of the patient's mouth, take measurements, and use a shade card to determine the exact shade of the new tooth. We will then send this information to the dental lab so that they can create the tooth with the exact specifications necessary to blend in with surrounding teeth. A dental implant can look so natural that even our patients have a hard time remembering which tooth is the replacement.

You want a durable solution

As an implant dentist, we can provide a tooth replacement that is as secure as a natural tooth. In this procedure, we replace both the root and the tooth. To begin, we will implant a titanium post under the gums and secure it to the jawbone. Through the process of osseointegration, the two materials will fuse together so that the replacement tooth is as stable as a natural one.

The jawbone will provide this stability to the tooth, and the implant will provide the stimulation that the jawbone needs, making this a beneficial relationship for the entire mouth. An implant is so secure that, once placed, one can eat all of one's favorite foods and engage in high-impact activities without worrying about the tooth falling out.

You want a beautiful smile

When one visits our implant dentist office, we can provide the patient with a smile makeover that addresses anything he or she does not like about the smile. This procedure can be part of the process, right along with whitening the teeth and closing gaps between them.

You want a smile that you do not have to worry about

When you have a dental implant, you do not need to take any additional steps to keep it clean or in good condition. While dentures must be removed to be cleaned and soaked, an implant only requires you to brush and floss like you normally would. As long as you do this and receive regular dental care, your mouth and implant should remain in good condition.

To learn more about the dental implants option, call and schedule a consultation.

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