How Long Do CEREC® Crowns Last?

CEREC crowns have changed the way dental crowns are placed, and the entire process can now be completed in a single dental visit. One of the most common questions we receive about CEREC is whether or not they are durable and how long they can expect their dental crown to last. 

An overview of CEREC crowns

It is helpful to know the differences between CEREC crowns and traditional crowns when making a decision as to which option is the best for you. The following is a complete overview of CEREC crowns, including information on what they are exactly, how long they last and how the process works. 

What are CEREC crowns?

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. They are commonly referred to as same-day crowns as the entire placement process only takes one dental visit. Additionally, all CEREC crowns are made of a ceramic material, rather than a metal-based alloy or gold material. They are most commonly used to treat severely damaged, weakened or decayed teeth, especially incisors and canines. 

CEREC vs traditional crowns

There are many differences between CEREC and traditional crowns. Perhaps the most notable difference is the creation of the crown. With traditional crowns, the process typically involves extensive tooth preparation, taking a dental impression of the patient’s teeth and wearing a temporary crown until the permanent one arrives, which is approximately two weeks after the initial visit. With CEREC, the entire process is simplified and only takes a day. Also, traditional crowns can be made of different types of materials, including ceramic, metal-based alloy and gold, whereas CEREC crowns are always comprised of ceramic. 

Are CEREC crowns durable?

CEREC crowns may not have the same durability as metal-based dental crowns, but they are still very resistant to damage and last as many as fifteen years before needing to be repaired or replaced. Of course, the exact length of time CEREC crowns last depend on the care provided to them by the patient, and it is important to limit intake of hard foods and chewing on ice, practice good oral hygiene and make it into all scheduled routine checkup visits with your dentist. 

How does the process work?

The process of traditional crowns typically involves extensive tooth preparation, taking a dental impression and several weeks for the customization of the crown. However, the process for CEREC crowns is much simpler and completed in only one day. After the initial consultation and once both the patient and dentist agree to treatment, images are taken of the patient’s teeth, which are used to create the CEREC crowns. The crowns are then placed on the very same day.

Talk to a dentist about CEREC crowns

CEREC crowns are a great way to restore the size, shape and function of a damaged, decayed or worn down tooth. If you are interested in learning more about how CEREC crowns can help you improve the function, appearance and health of your teeth, then consult with us today and schedule a time to come in for an initial consultation. 

Are you considering CEREC in the Fort Lauderdale area? Get more CEREC information at

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