What Are the Benefits of Veneers?

veneers Fort Lauderdale, FL

Veneers continue to be a common way that people correct flaws with teeth. If you are considering this treatment, you should understand the advantages. While there are other ways to accomplish your goals of improving the way your mouth and teeth look, a dental veneer may make the most sense.

An explanation of veneers

A veneer is a thin shell that attaches to the front part of the tooth. It can be made of porcelain or composite resin. The veneer will cover flaws such as cracks, chips and discoloration. This treatment is durable and allows the patient to eat most foods and regain a full, healthy smile. The dentist will take two or three appointments to complete this treatment process. Once the veneer is in place, it should last up to 20 years or more.

A dental veneer is virtually invisible

One of the nice things about veneers is that they are practically impossible to detect. Other people would not be able to tell that someone has one on their teeth. Using the dentist’s X-rays and impressions, a lab technician will construct the veneer to closely match surrounding teeth. Its thin design makes it appear just like a natural tooth, so it will not stand out or make the person feel awkward.

The veneer should not stain

Patients should weigh the pros and cons of getting porcelain veneers versus composite resin ones. One of the appealing features of porcelain veneers is that this option resists stains effectively. Years of eating certain foods and drinking beverages such as coffee, tea and cola can stain teeth. However, these items should not have the same effect on porcelain veneers. Through their life, this type of veneer should maintain the same color.

More about color

Another nice thing about veneers is that the patient can choose a color shade. Picking something lighter can make darker surrounding teeth seem lighter. The dentist can help the person choose something that makes sense.

Veneers are durable

Though not indestructible, a veneer can stand out to wear and tear. The patient should feel comfortable eating many foods. The wearer should be cautious about biting into hard foods such as ice, popcorn and candy. Still, with proper care, people can expect veneers to hold up over time and avoid cracks and other flaws.

A good alternative to other treatments

Some people may think teeth-whitening products and braces are the only ways to correct discolored and misaligned teeth, respectively. Veneers are a good method of covering up cosmetic concerns. A veneer can transform a person’s smile by covering abnormally small teeth or crooked teeth too.

Experience the difference

It may be the right time for you to see what veneers can do for your appearance. You can improve your self-esteem and feel good about your smile once again. Make an appointment with your dentist so that you can discuss the next steps in your transformation. Your dentist can help you understand how the process works and how a veneer can be a good choice to help you achieve your goals.

Request an appointment here: https://www.smilesbyjulia.com or call Smiles By Julia at (954) 271-8034 for an appointment in our Fort Lauderdale office.

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