Aftercare Tips: Teeth Whitening Treatment

teeth whitening Fort Lauderdale, FL

Interested in teeth whitening? It is important to learn all about the aftercare tips. General dentists typically administer teeth whitening to patients and follow up with important things to keep in mind afterward.

Teeth whitening aftercare tips can help patients maintain a bright, white smile and ensure that their teeth are kept safe and healthy after the treatment is complete. These tips should be reviewed by patients preparing to have their teeth whitened by their general dentist. Because each patient is different, talking with the dentist about further tips can also be beneficial.

Aftercare tips: Teeth whitening treatment

Understanding how to appropriately care for teeth after whitening them can be extremely helpful. General dentists recommend the following tips!

Avoid drinking coffee, teas and wines

Immediately after teeth whitening, general dentists advise patients to avoid drinking coffee, tea or wine. These drinks are heavily dyed and can reverse the effects of teeth whitening, causing stains on the freshly whitened teeth.

General dentists also recommend that patients use straws to drink these beverages. Straws can help bypass the teeth and send the drink toward the back of the mouth so it does not touch the teeth, lowering the chances that the teeth get stained.

Brush and floss

Although it may be obvious, it is absolutely necessary to regularly brush and floss, especially after teeth whitening. General dentists recommend that patients brush at least twice a day or after every meal. Flossing should be done at least once a day to ensure that no food is left behind.

Immediately after teeth whitening is done, it is best to brush gently. Some patients experience sensitivity on or around their teeth, so it is best to brush carefully with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Use whitening toothpaste or mouthwash

Another important aftercare tip is to use a whitening mouthwash or toothpaste. Some general dentists will recommend a certain brand that is the safest or the most effective. These can help whitening results last so the teeth maintain a pearly white color.

In most cases, the general dentist will likely recommend using a whitening product a few days after the whitening procedure takes place. This gives the teeth a few days to restrengthen the enamel so they have a chance to get back to normal.

Avoid eating anything extremely hard or sticky

General dentists also tell their patients to avoid chewing on hard or sticky items immediately after teeth whitening takes place. The teeth may react poorly to hard or sticky items such as gum, taffy or foods with bones. There may be increased sensitivity and even discomfort, which could damage the teeth, as well as the whitening treatment.

For a day or so, it is best to adapt to a softer food diet, including things like cooked vegetables, soups, pasta or even sandwiches. Doing so will only provide a positive outcome for the freshly whitened teeth.

Teeth whitening services

Having teeth whitening treatment done can produce great results for patients. It is important to abide by these aftercare tips provided by a general dentist. If there are further questions, then reach out to our practice today. Our team can provide you with assistance.

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