Why You Should Not Fear Surgery to Get Dental Implants

Dental Implants Fort Lauderdale, FL

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants are the ideal solution. Millions of implants are placed annually by dentists in the United States. Dental implants can be very beneficial to patients. But some people are usually worried about undergoing dental implant surgery. Many of them believe that the procedure can cause a lot of discomfort during and after the surgery. But dental implant surgery is not as painful as one might think.

Dental implant surgery

Dental procedures have come a long way in recent years. Dentists are now able to effectively perform many procedures with little discomfort to the patient. The development of more advanced techniques and technologies has a major role in that. Many patients often experience very little discomfort during the dental implant procedure.

Dental implants

A dental implant is made of multiple parts, including a metal post, which is inserted into the jawbone. It will be the foundation on which the dental provider can mount an artificial tooth such as a crown. Implants are an effective treatment option since they remain fixed in the jawbone. Dental implant surgery is often performed in stages, with time to heal between procedures. The entire process usually takes several months from start to finish.

The beginning of the process involves removing the damaged tooth and then prepping the jawbone underneath. When the site is ready, the metal post will be surgically implanted. After several months, when the bone has healed, an abutment will be placed on the post. The abutment will connect the implant to the artificial tooth top.

Anesthesia options

Anesthesia options during surgery include local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or sedation. These can help to control pain during the procedure. The dentist can help the patient to choose the option that will meet the individual’s needs. Many patients report that the procedure involves less pain than a tooth extraction.

Discomfort after the surgery

After the surgery, the patient may experience some mild symptoms. Typical discomforts may include bruising, swelling, and/or pain at the implant site. Minor bleeding is also usually common. The dentist may recommend pain medications or antibiotics after surgery. Patients should contact the dentist if the discomfort or swelling becomes worse. After each stage of surgery, eating soft foods is usually recommended while the surgical site heals.

Pain management after the dental implant procedure

Dental implants are effective, long-term options for replacing missing or damaged teeth. Choosing dental implants is highly encouraged. To improve your odds of having a successful implant, be diligent with your oral care routine. It is also advisable to visit your provider regularly. This can help ensure your dental implant and remaining natural teeth last longer.

After surgery, it is not uncommon for people to experience some degree of pain or mild discomfort. This can be managed with pain medication. But you should contact your dentist as soon as possible if the pain does not improve after several days. If you are at all concerned about pain management, talk to your dentist today.

Are you considering dental implants in the Fort Lauderdale area? Get more information at https://www.smilesbyjulia.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Implants in Fort Lauderdale, FL.


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