Help Choosing the Right Dental Restoration Option [Quick Guide]

dental restoration Fort Lauderdale, FL

Are you in need of a dental restoration? Many people need to restore their teeth at some point or another in their lives. Dental restorations are required when the teeth are in bad shape due to decay or a lack of oral hygiene. Thankfully, modern dentistry has multiple restorations to choose from.

Knowing what type of dental restoration to choose can be difficult because there are many great options. Ultimately, it is best to consult with a dentist who can evaluate your teeth. This article outlines a few of the available dental restorations to help you decide. Let this quick guide serve as a starting place for your dental restoration process!

A quick guide to choosing the right dental restoration option

Want to know which dental restoration is right for you? Keep reading to find out!

Dental crowns

When dealing with an unhealthy tooth, it is likely that a dentist will recommend a dental crown first and foremost. These act as caps to teeth that are in bad shape, thus preventing further damage from occurring. Crowns are custom created in a dental lab to specifically fit each tooth.

Dental crowns are typically made of gold, ceramic, porcelain or other metal materials. Metal and gold crowns are very durable and reliable, but they are more noticeable. Ceramic and porcelain ones are strong and offer discreteness, which can allow for a natural-looking dental restoration.

Dental fillings

When a dental restoration is needed for a minor issue on a tooth, a dentist will usually recommend a dental filling procedure. Dental fillings are part of a simple process that involves removing decayed spots and refilling the area with dental cement that seals the tooth off. Once sealed off, the tooth is unlikely to experience further damage. Fillings are common for people of all ages, but especially children since they tend to get cavities more often. 

Dental fillings are most commonly used for molar teeth because they have more area for the filling to be placed. Molars are also more likely to be damaged because they chew and grind food. 

Dental implant restorations

More recently, dentists have been able to perform dental restorations with the help of dental implants. The implants work with another prosthesis to restore and renew a tooth that is damaged. Often, the implants will be used along with dentures, bridges or dental crowns to complete the restoration process. Dental restorations done with implants offer more stability and security because the implants anchor the restoration prosthesis in place.

Contact us today!

These are just a few of the most common dental restorations that exist. However, it is best to consult with a professional before choosing one. So, give us a call or stop by our office at your earliest convenience so we can help you. Our team can evaluate your teeth, answer any of your questions and help determine what dental restoration will be best for you.

Request an appointment here: or call Smiles By Julia at (954) 271-8034 for an appointment in our Fort Lauderdale office.

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